Do the thing anyway: A Motivational Reflective


This year, one of my New Year's resolutions is to be bold, shameless, and intentional. 

 All of those things are characteristics I’ve embodied once or twice in brief moments of rare courage. I’ve started a blog that I did not plan for, I’ve chosen my well being and mental health over a check, and I’ve even been vulnerable on the internet. 

 The difference is I don’t want a bold moment or an intentional week. I want a shameless lifestyle. 

 So, one of my mantras for this year is: Do the thing anyway. 

 Whatever has been on your mind or heart. Whatever has you nervous or excited. Whatever you feel called to do. Do it. This is your reminder/sign. Do the thing. 

 Do the business. Do the content creating. Do the application. Whatever it is, no matter how nervous you feel, do the thing anyway. 

 Put yourself out there. Be a shameless plug for whatever has your soul on fire. 

 Sure, it can be scary. No one likes to get out of their comfort zone. So what? Bring the nerves, the fear, and the doubts with you. 

 I didn’t say do the thing without fear. Do the thing ANYWAY. 

 You don’t have everything figured out yet? Who cares? DO THE THING ANYWAY. 

 You don’t think you’re qualified yet? God doesn’t only call the qualified, he qualifies the called. Anyone can be “qualified'' for anything (Ex: Hillary Clinton 2016 election) it doesn’t mean anything if you’re not actually called to do it. Basically, if it’s for you, it’s already yours and if it’s not that just means there’s something better out there. You won’t know until you do the thing anyway. 

 You’re not sure if people will take you seriously? 

1. All you need is to take yourself seriously. The people that are for you and what you’re doing will come. 

2. Haters gonna hate. People love to criticize others for what they are either too afraid or don’t have the guts to do themselves. 


 Someone is doing something similar? It doesn’t matter. As much as we like to think we are all so original, we’re not. There’s nothing new under the sun. What makes what you’re doing different is you. Be yourself and do the thing anyway. 

 You never know what’s gonna happen until you try. All you have to do is take the first baby step and once you start, you never have to start over again. You only have to keep going.

You’ve got this. Do the thing anyway. We need you.


A Step Back: Lessons Learned after taking a 2 month break from social media


Throwing away my plan: A Brand New Perspective.